Press release
For the first time, with the support of the University of Wuppertal,
the Kurt Gödel Circle of Friends Berlin presented the
Kurt Gödel Award 2019
to promote anti-reductionist knowledge in the natural sciences and humanities.
The decision of the jury:
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The 1st prize of 10,000 €
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The 2nd prize of 3,000 €
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The 3rd prize of 2,000 €
The jury precedes its decision with the following note:
The selected articles discuss the competition question from different perspectives and in different ways. They offer valuable suggestions for further complex discussions on the topic. When reviewing the entries submitted the Prize Committee attributed great importance to this aspect. For that matter it explicitly emphasizes that the awarding of a prize to a contribution does not imply any appraisal of the irrefutability of the claims and statements made in it.
All essays are copyright protected and may only be used with the permission of the respective authors. Only for these three essays do we have the copyrights for the internet. If you want to contact other authors of the essays in the shortlist, you have to write to us, we will then forward this request to the respective authors, who can then decide whether they want to contact you and reply.
The announcement of the competition with the conditions of participation were announced.
The jury introduces itself here.
The decisions of the jury of the Kurt Gödel Prize are final. Legal recourse is excluded.
Kurt Gödel Circle of Friends, c/o René Talbot, Vorbergstr. 9a, 10823 Berlin,
* Anti-reductionist knowledge is the philosophical answer to the question of why the world cannot be explained in a reductionary way. This is with such basal reasoning, that any attempt which seeks to salvage reductionist attempts at an explanation with a reference to possible evidence to be substantiated later, is doomed to failure.
We refer to the reasoning given by Prof. John Lucas in his book „Reality and Time,“ quote: „I find in Gödel’s theorem good reason for rejecting the reductionist tendency of our age.“
A second note: The presentation by Oliver Passon at the workshop at the Free University of Berlin, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics: Kurt Gödel – Philosophical Views, see
The conclusion from Cubittet al. (2015): Quantum mechanics is incomplete and Bell (1964): Quantum mechanics is non-local:
Both claims support an anti-reductionist intuition in the sense of „More is different,“ since in a non-local theory the whole is „more than just the sum of its parts“ either …
Wider den Reduktionismus – Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019
(Against Reductionism – Selected articles from the Kurt Gödel Award 2019)
This book will appear on 12th July 2021 and can now be ordered here from the Springer book publisher
Preface, Contents and about the authors