Kurt Gödel Award 2023

On August 25, 2023 the book on the Gödel Prize 2021 “On Gödel and the non-existence of time” was published with 15 chapters and 9 contributions of the competition. Here and here links to order with foreword, table of contents and about the authors.

The Kurt Gödel Circle of Friends Berlin with the support of the University of Wuppertal
presents the

Kurt Gödel Award 2023

for the promotion and dissemination of Gödel’s work
in the natural sciences and humanities:

This prize was again awarded in an essay contest for the best answers to the following question:

Does incompleteness in Gödel’s sense play a role in the relationship between micro- and macrophysics,
and if so, what consequences would that have?

Contributions were again welcome which illuminate the subject matter from a philosophical,
mathematical-logical or scientific perspective, if they relate to Kurt Gödel’s work.

Announcement by the jury of the Kurt Gödel Award 2023

The prize question of the Kurt Gödel Prize 2023 announced by the Kurt Gödel Freundeskreis Berlin was “Does incompleteness in Gödel’s sense play a role in the relationship between micro- and macrophysics, and if so, what consequences would that have?”. The response to this prize question was more modest compared to previous editions of the Kurt Gödel Prize, and only three submissions made it to the shortlist. One of these three submissions was subsequently withdrawn.

Ultimately, however, none of the submissions succeeded in addressing the prize question with the sharpness and argumentative persuasiveness originally hoped for. For this reason, the jury has come to the conclusion not to award a first prize but two second prizes for the Kurt Gödel Prize 2023:

The possibility of a successful search for a fundamental, unifying theory is ultimately rejected in the essay “Gödel’s undecidability theorems and the search for a theory of everything” by Prof. Claus Kiefer after a discussion of infinity and discreteness with reference to Gödel’s incompleteness results. In the essay, the emphasis on the importance of infinite abstract structures in conjunction with indistinguishability considerations plays an important role in the argument that there can be no unifying abstract theory. The essay is characterized by a rather traditional perspective on, and discussion of, Gödel’s incompleteness results, which in the second, somewhat more informal, article, “Gödel’s Incompleteness as an Expression of the Fragmentation of Epistemology in Mathematics and the Science” by Seán McFadden, is refreshingly complemented in part by a stronger inclusion of aspects of metamathematics, metaphysics, ontology, and (meta)logic.”

Prof. Dr. Dr. Brigitte Falkenburg, Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, PD Dr. Oliver Passon 23.4.2023


The two award winners:

Prof. Dr. Claus Kiefer:
Gödel’s undecidability theorems and the search for a theory of everything

See also: Essay in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics

Seán McFadden:
Gödel’s Incompleteness as an Expression of the Fragmentation of Epistemology in Mathematics and the Science

All essays are copyrighted, so may only be used with the consent of the respective authors. The conditions of participation can be found here.

Kurt Gödel Freundeskreis, c/o Hans Schwarzlow, Arenholzsteig 3, 12103 Berlin, kurtgoedel.de

For requests by the press about the award, please contact
Hans Schwarzlow: schwarzlow[ät]t-online.de or Oliver Passon: passon[ät]uni-wuppertal.de